The nettle-cotton bedsheet is a sheet made from nettle and cotton. Nettle is a material that has been favoured even by royalty. The sheet has a twill weave that gives the sheet a beautiful drape and makes the fabric perfect for bedding. The shine and breathability of the nettle-cotton bedsheet is due to the nettle fibres. The beautiful off-white colour and simple bedsheet will suit any interior; you can even leave it beautifully exposed. Washing gives the bedsheet its final shape and softens it. The sheet is sewn to a fair size, taking into account the shrinkage of the material.
Care instructions:
Wash Knokkon’s textiles separately from other laundry, as natural fibres may shed lint, especially after the first few washes. It’s a good idea to fill the washing machine half full so that any loose fibres are properly rinsed out. The washing temperature for bed linen is 60°C. Does not need to be tumble-dried, flat drying or on a line is sufficient. No dry-cleaning or bleaching. Iron up to 150°C (two points). Shrinks by about 15%.
One day in July 2017, I read a comment on a thread about nettles as a source of yarn. Today, Knokkon is an online shop for ecological nettle and hemp-made yarns and products for consumers and businesses. Read more about Knokkon from this link.