The nettle-cotton pillowcase is a luxurious pillowcase made from nettle and cotton. Pillowcase has a twill weave, which is drapes elegantly, making it perfect for bedding. The silky shine and special breathability comes from the nettle fibre. Thanks to its neutral and natural look, twill is suitable for many interiors and makes the fabric look spectacular. The fabric of the pillowcase softens and takes on its final shape with washing. The nettle-cotton pillowcase is sewn to a fair size to allow for shrinkage.
Care instructions:
Wash Knokkon’s textiles separately from other laundry, as natural fibres may shed lint, especially after the first few washes. It’s a good idea to fill the washing machine half full so that any loose fibres are properly rinsed out. The washing temperature for bed linen is 60°C. Does not need to be tumble-dried, flat drying or on a line is sufficient. No dry-cleaning or bleaching. Iron up to 150°C (two points). Shrinks by about 15%.
One day in July 2017, I read a comment on a thread about nettles as a source of yarn. Today, Knokkon is an online shop for ecological nettle and hemp-made yarns and products for consumers and businesses. Read more about Knokkon from this link.