Manufacturer’s instructions by Salla N., 17.8.2021
Woodio is an innovative materials technology company that has developed the world's first solid wood composite made of woodchips that is water-resistant. Woodio's material can therefore be used in bathtubs, toilets and sinks. Woodio is a much more ecological alternative to traditional porcelain sinks and toilet seats. 

Wood is combined with resin to create an innovative material that can be used in a wide range of applications and products. Around 80% of the wood used in wood composites is locally grown wood or a by-product of the Finnish wood industry. Solid wood composite is a very durable material, which makes it more resistant to normal use than porcelain products. It’s a maintenance-free material with a lifespan at least equal to that of other similar bathroom products, if not longer. All that is needed to care for the products is washing with mild soap and a damp cloth.

Woodio’s products are produced entirely in Finland, and the carbon footprint of the production process has been minimised so that it is almost carbon neutral. The production of the products does not require large amounts of water or energy. The production also does not require kilns that would heat the products to high temperatures as with similar porcelain products. The production of a Woodio sink produces 55 kg less carbon dioxide emissions than the production of an equivalent porcelain sink. The durability and light weight of the products also reduce CO2 emissions such as from logistics.

Woodio sinks, baths, toilets and other products can be incinerated for energy when they reach the end of their life cycle. This means that no landfill waste is generated. The products also act as carbon dioxide reservoirs throughout their life cycle.

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