In introduction: Tetrimäki – Factory of beauty

Manufacturer’s instructions by Tomas N., 16.1.2020

Tetrimäki – Factory of beauty

Tetrimäki's history reaches in the 1950 century when Tetrimäki influenced by a Christian community that helped Germans, Karelias, and Russian children. The German Lutz Reinhardt (1952 – 2009) visited Tetrimäki with his father at the age of 14. He returned to Finland in the 1970 century and was inspired by Tetrimäki for wood processing. After graduating as a master carpenter, Reinhardt founded the carpentry factory at Tetrimäki, Kuopio. He was agreed to manufacture Eliel Saarinen's furniture exclusively. The making of the Tetrimäki carpentry factory based on high skilled handcraft. The two elements of Lutz Reinhardt's professional expertise were beauty and quality. He called the factory "factory of beauty". The operation was genuinely Finnish manufacturing from start to finish. The timber obtained from the nearby forests and its sawmill and drying was the base of the high quality of the furniture.

Nowadays, the equipment and operation are modern and efficient. However, behind the action are the same values: Top designers, high-quality products, and skillful craftsmanship. Products are designed and manufactured in Finland. For new products, the classic armchair Grasshopper, designed by Eero Saarinen, is one of these skill samples. The Grasshopper Armchair and the accompanying footstool are samples of stunning design and precision handcraft.

Eero Saarinen Grasshopper armchair

Eero Saarinen designed the Grasshopper armchair in 1946. It is the first Chair in a series of sculptural chairs designed by the 1940 and 1950 centuries, which became world-famous. The high level of craftsmanship and unique design make Grasshopper armchair and the accompanying footstool classics that last from one decade to another. Despite its lightness, the Grasshopper armchair is very sturdy. The ergonomic leaned-back seating position allows you to relax for longer periods. The arm supports ease sitting down and getting up. The sturdy and durable leg structure gives the armchair an airy look and increases comfort. The armchair is produced naturally in Finland and is one of the Finnish furniture classics.

Check out Eero Saarisen's Grasshopper armchair:

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