Visiting author - 7 ways to dress your sofa for different atmospheres

Tips and instructions by Salla N., 8.12.2021
You can transform the appearance of an old sofa by changing textiles. Below we have listed seven tips on how pillows and blankets can dress a favorite sofa for different atmospheres. With decorative pillows and blankets, you can modify space without investing in new furniture. Besides this, a wool blanket is a practical and energy-efficient solution during the winter seasons. Often properly chosen textiles are enough to transform space into a home.

Bonden pillows and blankets are designed to be compatible with each other. Through the Bonden collection decorating with textiles is made easy. The structures of our fabrics are designed to fit the needs of different seasons. The light summer wool is optimal for warm seasons, the puffy jumbo wafer for the winter season, whereas the two-sided linen wool is perfect for the seasons in between. You can always combine the neutral colors of the Finnish lamb wool and the light reflecting plant-dyed shades. With our Bonden's collection, you can experiment with different alternatives, find your way of decorating and succeed.

Pelkistetty ja ajaton

1 Minimalistic and timeless

Fold the blanket vertically into three layers. A slightly worn-out sofa will get a new appearance when placing the blanket vertically on the seat part. To make sure that the blanket will stay in its place, put the blanket's edges under the sofa's cushions. This minimalistic look requires only a quality blanket and a couple of pillows.

Pehmoinen ja kutsuva

2 Soft and welcoming

A more casual style. Spread the blanket out on the sofa. Put the throw from its center under the sofa's cushions, so it stays in its place. Play with surfaces and colors that entice you to relax. Choose an expressive blanket with fitting colors.

Jokaiselle oma paikka

3 A place for everybody

Do you have designated seats on the sofa? Casually place everyone’s favorite blanket on their spot. A high-quality, light, airy blanket is set naturally on a couch without specific folding techniques.

Muhkea pesä

4 A puffy nest

Plain sofa fabric as a seat can feel uncomfortable and cold. Instead, place a fur rug on the sofa, set up pillows made of natural materials, and an effortlessly rolled throw on top. Grip the blanket's center and place it on the sofa's backrest so that the edge of the blanket lays on the ground.


5 Eye-catcher

Choose an eye-catching decorative pillow that instantaneously fills the space if you have a corner sofa. You can transform even a dull and stiff sofa into an appealing one with a soft, textured solid blanket. Add a few different-sized pillows and put them into your favorite sofa corner with a comfy blanket.

Talvi-illan syli

6 Winter cuddle

You can dress your sofa into its winter cover with a chunky blanket and soft pillows. The plant-dyed jumbo wafer blankets and pillows fit perfectly together.


7 Reading corner

Make yourself comfortable by extending your legs on a footstool and placing a stiff pillow to support your back. Then, wrap yourself into an airy and warm throw, dive deep into a fascinating book, and enjoy.

The author:
Kati Hienonen

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