TYLLi's rugs are made by Marja Lares in Lahti. Each rug is carefully handmade. The beautifully coloured rugs are durable and easy on the eye.

Mouse ears in the birch, dewdrops in the hair, a cuckoo’s singing echoes in the distance, the warmth of the sun on the skin. Wool socks on the feet and a rug underfoot. TYLLi's rugs are woven in Lahti and have been awarded the Key Flag Symbol.

TYLLi's rugs, like the name itself, are inspired by Finnish birds. The designs are named after nightjar, gull, nightingale and pigeon.

Explore TYLLi's wide selection and lovely colours and order your own handmade rug!

TYLLi care instructions and material information:


Wash flat thoroughly along the stripes with plenty of cool water at 25-30°C. Do not machine wash or pressure wash. No soaking. Dry flat or by hanging lengthwise on a bar. Do not roll the rug when damp. Please note that dark or strong colours may fade. Vacuum if necessary. Store clean, dry, rolled and protected from light.


TYLLi rugs not only look good, but they are also ecological. This is because TYLLi rugs are made from leftover fabric from the textile industry. However, this material is by no means a rag rug, but a completely unused manufacturing surplus. The fabric is washed and dyed before it finds its way onto Marja's desk.